User Submitted Dog Bite

User Submitted Dog Bite
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30,409 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Brandon sent in his girls' arm after she was attacked by a pitt bull. He said the gash was pretty bad, but he didn't have any photos of that. Thanks for sharing!

  • darksider803 August 20, 2015

    that ain't no dog bite. sorry my rite arm was almost severed by a dog attack at 13 years old and I have almost no feeling in it now plus massive scars. if it was a dog maybe a wiener dog did this but not a pit bull.

  • inkd_nurs3 August 19, 2015

    Then Don't throw shit while he's on stage singing gasolina

  •   goodster August 19, 2015

    @truckingman,,ONE,,That's as about a piss poor excuse as I've ever heard for a dog biting someone. "The Chain Broke"????? And Two,,,,(in retrospect) Why the MF'N BLUE FUCK WASN'T THAT DOG SHOT AFTER BITING A KID?????? A TWO YEAR OLD NO LESS!!! Sincerely,,,,,,,,GOODSTER!!!!!!!!

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