Mammary Monday: Set them free

Mammary Monday: Set them free
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Big Jeff
33,046 Views 9 years ago Slutty

Wow those are glorious. I'm thankful for the forearm work, but my face hurts from trying to motorboat them each time I saw them.

  •   maddog123 September 22, 2015

    I was just saying shit fuck it let me roll one and I get back to you on that one oh shit I got one already lit anyway this bitch don't make me feel queer its sometime they show bitches on here that's got fucking dicks I go and get a stuffy looking at bitches on here and boom a fucking dick man then I start having these fucked up dreams where I'm sucking those big tittys and all of asudden she says here maddog123 suck on this and its like goddam boom a big fucking dick falls to the floor from under her dress and iI wake up screaming get away you goddam titty woman with a big fucking dick and that why bucknuts I wake up feeling queer or strange and not hard but with a soft pecker if I woke up fucking hard that would be a fucking nightmare

  • sbohica September 21, 2015

    Damn!!! They cud get a good rubber band template for a 3D printer with all that strechy, strechy underneath those mountains of doom!!

  •   GrimmWilder September 21, 2015

    Sooo.....why dose this make maddog123 feel queer?

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