If you are looking to save money, used toilet paper maybe for you. Most times the brown stuff is all dried up, so it helps scrap your crap off your ass. Next thing you know, you are a millio...If you are looking to save money, used toilet paper maybe for you. Most times the brown stuff is all dried up, so it helps scrap your crap off your ass. Next thing you know, you are a millionaire.
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I've been wiping my ass with "used" TP for years! Classy restaurants, hotels, etc replace the roll daily regardless of whether its empty. Buddy of mine works maintenance and brings back garbage bags full of used rolls.
and free aids
i wipe my ass with silk. you gotta learn to live a little.
I've been wiping my ass with "used" TP for years! Classy restaurants, hotels, etc replace the roll daily regardless of whether its empty. Buddy of mine works maintenance and brings back garbage bags full of used rolls.