I'll do my part

I'll do my part
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Big Jeff
29,322 Views 9 years ago Funny

I'm joining the cause to help California. They need the water, and I want the beer. It will be an even trade.

  •   maddog123 October 26, 2015

    Its wrote right on the Kingsford bag not to bring or use this product in state of California oh and as you can see I got off the bud long enough figure out the avatar thing I hate my ole lady she agrees with you says that I am a lazy keyboard racist personally I don't see it.

  •   happyjack October 26, 2015

    Who told you we couldn't have charcoal bbq's ? Lol. What else did they tell you lol, Everything cost more but we make a higher wage so it's pretty irrelevant.

  •   maddog123 October 26, 2015

    Your right happy I would stick out like a sore thumb out there because I would starve to death fuel here 1.80 gallon out there thru the roof cars are higher all that pollution shit on them that don't work hell your state won't even allow charcoal for your BBQ and that alone should cause a black up rising no wonder they pay actors out there truck loads of money they need it to live week to week

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