Just Kinda Creepy

Just Kinda Creepy
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30,893 Views 9 years ago Funny

It's not the scariest picture on the internet, but it is downright creepy. Something about a toddler sized clown just kind of creeps me out.

  • dracos November 12, 2015

    Obummer care costs how much?

  •   maddog123 November 12, 2015

    This fucking picture to me represents all fucking kids today TV fucked up games internet parents not allowed to put a belt across that ass took away bible classes out of schools and every one wants to know what's going on with our kids why are they shooting other kids in school, its not because there are more guns today there's always been fucking guns thirty forty years ago this shit didn't happen ah fuck it my time is short why should I give a fuck its this new generations problem the fucking end.

  •   truckingman November 11, 2015

    Just shaking his head at this Creepy picture, ..............................

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