Here's a tip for you

Here's a tip for you
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28,698 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Here's a tip for you if you want to take my advice, always watch where your hands are or you'll end up losing a fingertip. I don't know how you got that nasty cut but I'm betting heavy machi... Show more

  •   truckingman November 21, 2015

    I am EXTREMELY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not know that this was a picture of a child who had gotten injured by a power tool. I thought it was a grown person whom was injured.

    Regrettably, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

  •   big_daddy305 November 21, 2015

    I hate seeing bad things happen to kids.

  •   maddog123 November 20, 2015

    This is what happens when you scratch your ass and don't wash the fucker and I don't mean the outside of the crack or lower I'm talking right in the old brown eye you get tip rot.

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