She Had a Sore Throat

She Had a Sore Throat
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David G.
48,529 Views 9 years ago Drink & Drugs

She had a sore throat last week and that cough syrup fixed her right up. This week she spent the night at her boyfriends and ended up with a sore ass and got this bright idea. Why not, if it... Show more

  • hackedup4bbq November 30, 2015

    Good ole trailer trash!

  • brentos November 27, 2015

    It's not wine it's robotussin if you intake enough of it, it makes you trip out time slows down ect. I believe now days there is only one kind that is over the counter that will make you "robo trip" When I came across it was in it's raw form of dxm or dextromethorphan hydrobromide in a powder that only took 1mg in pill form.

  •   truckingman November 27, 2015

    No I have not Woodchipper30, but I have done some research into "Anal Wine," no I have and do not do this act, to figure out what the act was in talking. I just transferred my knowledge of the anal absorption in "Anal Wine" and used it in this act of consuming Cough Syrup through the rectum. Also, I used the knowledge of one of the main ingredients in cough syrup is Codeine, so I added all of the evidence together and presented the result to all of the members of CrazyShit.

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