Syed Farook has a eye for you

Syed Farook has a eye for you
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Big Jeff
39,831 Views 9 years ago Extreme Content

Syed, and his towel head wife caused quite a stir the other day in San Bernardino. Who knew he would be giving us the fuck me eyes days later...Well maybe those are I'm fucked eyes.

  •   felterupgood December 10, 2015

    I still fail to see any comma in the picture

  • joedumber December 8, 2015

    @sobohica, he is correct and you are correct, fuck, your both correct, but he is more correct than you because you incorrected him when he is actually correct. a comma before 'and' is optional. The 'and' acts as a final comma on ending the last adjective of suggestions so a comma is not needed. But a comma can be used when expressing the last suggestive adjective before 'and' ----he went backwards, forwards, up, AND he went down. replacement of verbal expression.

  •   big_daddy305 December 7, 2015

    I mean eyebrow.

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