That's not how you're supposed to trim your nails

That's not how you're supposed to trim your nails
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Big Jeff
39,072 Views 9 years ago Accidents

So this is why step ladders suck, and how long toe nails are a hazard in the same go. Now go clip the others you fucking animal.

  • whitechristian December 20, 2015

    Chinese torture.

  • kingjoa December 14, 2015

    quick apply rubbing alcohol it will make you feel better

  • durante December 14, 2015

    kicked a metal TV stand once, breaking my toe & having blood push up the nail. My dad said use a drill to cut a hole & drain, but was to stupid to just use the bit. Ended up broken & with a hole in my toe, removed the nail with a razor & vise grips, sucked...

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