Well technically he isn't wrong

Well technically he isn't wrong
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Big Jeff
37,981 Views 9 years ago Funny

I'm sure worldwide the numbers Islam has are monumental, but do they have get 6 million of them doing the same thing at the same time will be hard to beat.

  • whitechristian January 14, 2016

    @happyjack..... As you know my mind is out there when I'm drunk. Drinking is evil. God says there is pleasure in sin. I'm not suppose to hate anyone. I'm a much much worse sinner than you.

  • whitechristian January 14, 2016

    @ouch.... I agree that most everyone should not have kids. I was always interested in hell. Once I found out you die a second death in hell it made my faith stronger because nobody deserves ever lasting suffering.

  •   ouch January 13, 2016

    @whitechristian I think anyone that believes in God should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery, Have children, own a gun or vote. What a bunch of man made BULLSHIT religion and God is. It's moronic, childish and CRAZY to believe in any God.

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