Mousetrap Adult Version

Mousetrap Adult Version
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David G.
40,009 Views 9 years ago WTF

I don't remember mouse trap involving swallowing semen, but hey sounds a lot more fun than the original version. I just need to find me a midget hooker who likes board games and I'm set.

  • whitechristian January 13, 2016

    @toreal....... More white people on welfare is true because there are more white people in America (Thank God), but as a whole race their are much more blacks on welfare. Black men raping white women compared the white men raping black women is unheard of. As far as child porn, dog porn etc. Again, much more white people know how to use a computer compared to black people counting on their case worker to do everything for them. There is really no comparing the two races. You can't find a worse race than yours on the planet.

  • evilone January 11, 2016

    one way to build a batter mouse trap

  • darksider803 January 11, 2016


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