She Talks Shit During Sex

She Talks Shit During Sex
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David G.
68,981 Views 9 years ago Bizarre

You ever have a woman talk shit during sex? It's kind of a boner killer when your girl starts complaining during sex. It's usually that you don't love me anymore and you never take me out ta... Show more

  • joedumber January 15, 2016

    Sometimes i like it yeah crazyy bitches llet it happen, but when i watch a German video with fine ass chicks in it and they do an anal scene, and i like femmale anal scenes dont get me wrong, sometimes they let shit accidentlly creep out their asses and they don't care the camera keeps rolling and it gets disgusting. whereas Americans edit it oout. I lived in Europe for 10 years through the 90's there's stuff on VHS over there not on DVD that would make a billygoat puke

  • rouge_et_blanc January 15, 2016

    @joedumber I bow to your very evident knowledge and expertise on the matter. You must have watched a great number of such shitty videos to know so much about them. I haven't watched any so I don't know. Do you fap when watching them? Is it the thought of the smell that turns you on when watching?

  • ven0m89 January 15, 2016

    Does she have two assholes?

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