Congrats on the new trip you're taking, but make sure you soak that shit up...$999.99 for a blowie, steak, and hopefully what "poundtown" means. Talk about a slight bit overpricing.
@maddog123 I was just pointing out that auto correct is your friend. It doesn't know what the fuck you are trying to say either so it can't help you out with your no-knows or your their-theres but it tries to do what it can for you.
@happyjack I'm an old fuck new to this computer shit anyway just messing with you fucker.
I can hear Axel Rose singing.
@maddog123 I was just pointing out that auto correct is your friend. It doesn't know what the fuck you are trying to say either so it can't help you out with your no-knows or your their-theres but it tries to do what it can for you.