This is just an illustration of the need to have clear and concise communications. You are the chief airplane washer at the company hangar and you: 1. You hook the high pressure hose up to t...This is just an illustration of the need to have clear and concise communications. You are the chief airplane washer at the company hangar and you: 1. You hook the high pressure hose up to the soap suds machine. 2. Turn the machine "on". 3. You receive an important call and have to leave work to go home. 4. As you depart for home, you yell to Don, your assistant (which is not too bright, because Don is the assistant for washing planes), "Don, turn it off." 5. Assistant Don thinks he hears, "Don't turn it off." He shrugs, and leaves the area right after you. 6. And this is what happens when Mr. Bigtime and his assistant have a break down in communications.
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Come to butthead
DAM it Beavis