This is what happens when Russians don't have their morning vodka. They get pretty cranky. One ends up running another ruskie over and another one ends up punching his window out with a nice...This is what happens when Russians don't have their morning vodka. They get pretty cranky. One ends up running another ruskie over and another one ends up punching his window out with a nice left hook.
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Does blacks live in Russia never seen one and another thing about blacks might even be a good thing they got it rough ass it is but I've never seen a black trailer park.also I've never met as black man or woman on METH there always on crack.
I want the window puncher on my side when I'm drinking.
Does blacks live in Russia never seen one and another thing about blacks might even be a good thing they got it rough ass it is but I've never seen a black trailer park.also I've never met as black man or woman on METH there always on crack.
"An na... Along came Paulinski, slow moving Paulinski, Along came, Along came Langley Paulinski...."