How a Akbar does a divorce

How a Akbar does a divorce
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Big Jeff
41,152 Views 9 years ago Animals

In America it's nothing to get married to someone and to get a divorce in the same year. Over in the middle east that shit is cut throat...literally.

  • raptor1990 August 15, 2017

    You know I'd rather see animals fucking people up not the other way around..... besides I prefer animals over people.

  • bennyboy19 March 2, 2016

    Of course nobody eats meat here.

  • chokerswallow March 1, 2016

    Mehhhh..... There will always be somebody to tell how you could have done it more humane or less painful. Anyone here that's hunted will tell otherwise. I've seen game take off running for hundreds of yards after a PERFECT shot. Some just have the will to go on..........

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