Why do my copies have a rash

Why do my copies have a rash
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Big Jeff
40,999 Views 9 years ago Slutty

Leave it to the office slut to pull shit like this. Now your copier is speckled with crabs, and has as white discharge other than paper.

  • chokerswallow March 1, 2016

    HEEEEE HAAAAAAA HEEEEE HAAAAAAA. I would do her if I could knock out her teeth first

  •   ouch February 29, 2016

    @ugggggggg I like your style

  • ugggggggg February 29, 2016

    I'd sperm all over the copier b4 she arrives,,,when she sits on it,I'd fire a tranquilizer dart at her.I'd tie her up(naked) and put my penis in her mouth(while she's unconscious).Then I'd pinch her nipples untill she wakes. I'd get 10 men to sperm over naked body,and I'd video it.

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