Acid Trip Frog

Acid Trip Frog
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David G.
39,945 Views 9 years ago WTF

Damn must be a real life hypno toad from Futurama or I'm having an acid flash back. I could probably get the same effect by just licking a poisonous toad.

  • sanitywelcomed March 9, 2016

    Fuck- I was hitting my bowl when I clicked...not gonna be smoking for a few now

  •   rockinron March 9, 2016

    acid flash backs from the 80's suck real bad.

  •   maddog123 March 8, 2016

    @fucka that was a long time ago it took a over dose in 1987 to finally wake me up and realize how stupid I was for putting that shit in me up to 1987 I had done almost every drug that was out there except black tar heroin and I like always had to be a big dog and show every one at that party I was the man because people assumed I was hip to the drug and could handle it WRONG my body had fought off a lot of things I had put in my body but this time I had met my match I overdosed they say I bought it a couple of times but the doctors kept at me and I made it thru today i m drug free I don't do drugs just weed the only thing bad about weed is the munches don't ever get high on weed and not have enough food in the house the other night I forget to go to the store and I got the monster munches and it was two in the morning nothing in the house but damn cat food sonofabitch it was time to choose eat the cat food or try and go to bed hungry and wait for morning to go to mickey dees for breakfast don't ask what I chose to do I will lie .

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