Everyone isn't down for the intelectual talk

Everyone isn't down for the intelectual talk
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Big Jeff
36,007 Views 9 years ago WTF

You have a open minded intellectual type here trying to blow his friends mind, and his friend is just sitting there showing his true colors...Which I assume is obviously not black.

  • dhwbomber March 14, 2016

    made up..

  • realism March 13, 2016

    I was once called aracist on Facebook. Can you believe that shit? Me, really?

  •   maddog123 March 13, 2016

    Finger signs is this why I've had trouble getting along with most black people all my life learn how to sign and they will understand I already no one sign the middle finger sign I no they no that one well you no it might work because I never under stood iza going to eat wabamewon and shit like that.

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