Someone wasn't held enough

Someone wasn't held enough
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Big Jeff
42,589 Views 8 years ago Animals

What the fuck is wrong with this person. I mean obviously I love sick shit as much as the rest of you, but animal shit is were my line is drawn.

  • cunny_asada December 21, 2020

    Maybe just maybe the guy who dropped the marlboro hung the fetus make sure it was put out of misery since mama just bought the stairway to heaven. Poor comet.

  •   rockinron March 20, 2016

    its a reindeer A.K.A. caribou. both the male and females have antlers! and as always sbohica didnt fail us, his comment is a direct insult towards another member, big surprise.

  •   maddog123 March 20, 2016

    Damn you mean that isn't a big goat am I still stoned ??????

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