Man Slices Up Home Invasion Thugs With Katana

These thugs tried to break into a mans home. The owner didn't own a gun but he did own a katana and did a number on these guys with his ninja sword. They tried to get away in a car but they ... Show more

  • mr.voorhees March 24, 2017

    Great Job, but next time aim for the throat's buddy.

  • noihavetosaythis January 29, 2017

    In my country (germany) you get longer prison if you defend your self than the thiefes get for stealing.

    Even pepperspray is illegal to use ^^ . . so raped women got to jail in my country when they use pepperspray to defend :D

  • cellule March 30, 2016

    Here's one big paki sirloin!

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