Someone almost had a shitty night

Someone almost had a shitty night
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Big Jeff
34,364 Views 8 years ago Funny

Why the fuck would these be in the same label/bottle configuration. That gives me the idea for a good prank though. Rip both labels off and give the taker the choice of which to take.

  •   rockinron May 3, 2016

    @toreal you're the result of colon cleanse.

  •   maddog123 May 1, 2016

    Nothing wrong with a good buzz good drink a good shit and a good sleep.

  •   truckingman May 1, 2016

    “Would you like a Gallon of PISS to go along With your SHIT!!!!!!”

    LMMF"AO, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

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