Birthday Boy Trauma Surprize

Birthday Boy Trauma Surprize
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David G.
38,904 Views 8 years ago Funny

I don't think this little boy will be forgetting this birthday for a very long time. I think for next birthday he'll need some psychiatric counseling after watching his teddy bear cake's hea... Show more

  •   maddog123 May 4, 2016

    I traumatized my little cousin when we were small I told terry that the real reason Santa clause wanted him to sit in his lap was because he wanted to stick his big old pee pee in his poo poo and make him shit his self so get ready for it when the old fat bastard starts yelling ho ho ho. I told him that's why all those other kids were screaming because they were getting there asses reamed when aunt Mary took terry up to sit in Santa's lap terry busted Santa in the nose with his glass milk bottle he was still sucking on at the age of five?? Santa got a broke nose and called little terry a over grown bottle sucking bastard aunt Mary called Santa a old mean fat fuck kids were crying and I got my first fucking woody which led to a life time of terrorism with kids and family fucks a like!!! God I loved being evil!!!

  •   truckingman May 4, 2016

    Just shaking his head, ...........

  • yeayeayea May 4, 2016


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