Handy Trick

Handy Trick
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David G.
42,907 Views 8 years ago WTF

Pretty handy trick when you can bend your fingers and thumb all the way back to grab a can of soda. I'd be using this on girls saying I bet them I could grab their boob without turning my ha... Show more

  • ibetdaddy May 16, 2016

    just brought fapping to a whole new level

  • dog66 May 13, 2016


  •   maddog123 May 13, 2016

    I used to no this kid you no the one mike evil mike!! He had a deform hand it was his thumb I swear that sucker was about six inches long and it was thick

    Big as fuck look like a john homes dick sticking out there!! That's probably why he was so evil because of his thumb I no he could flip you on the ears and it felt like some one hit you with fucking bat!!! One winter god it was freezing about five degrees. And me and another friend Albert Collins was walking to school we came in the back door and as always me and Albert would always watch out or mike because he would slip up on you and flip that ear. So that morning I was watching for him and I guess Albert was so cold he forgot? Albert was already crying about his ears being froze. So as we came in my class was on my immediate left so I went on in whew no evil mike ? And Albert went on down the hall to his class when all of a sudden evil mike with that giant thumb flipped Albert solid fucking hard right in his frozen ear it was so loud teachers thought it was a sonic boom!! I didn't see it but the kids said Albert face turned solid white then purple then red bright fucking

    Red!!! And his eyes rolled up in his head then bulged outward. This I do no because I could hear it. Albert let out a scream so loud so fucking terrorfying

    Other kids were hauling ass Albert lit into evil mike like a tornado but mike was fast he high tailed it! Albert never caught mike teachers always kept them seperated and I no Albert would get him soon enough but mike not soon after blew up the school and him self so Albert never got a piece of him!!


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