She Missed The Grass

She Missed The Grass
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David G.
36,685 Views 8 years ago Accidents

She missed the grass and landed her ass on the concrete. The grass is probably not as hard but I doubt it would help much and her ass would still be grass

  • giga_chad July 6, 2022

    Woman ☕

  • joedumber June 10, 2016

    thats what happens when ya smell shit all day, toxicity shit eats the brain from the inside out

  •   maddog123 June 10, 2016

    Last summer I got a call from a friend that lives in that trailer park up from my place...he says dog get the hell up here man if you want to see some funny shit?? Its a trailer park man shits always fucking fucked up there!! So off I go down the yellow brick road?? So anyway I get there and there is a crowd!! As always !! And my friend says dude bitch in that trailer there took some acid and she's having a bad trip!!!! Says she's threatening to jump out the trailer window and kill her self ??? Trailer window??? That's only four or five foot of the ground and there's a kids sandbox right under the window ???

    This bitch is fucked up!! This is where it gets funny least to me?? The cops show up?? And they check out the mess and then they start yelling get back

    People we are going to try and talk her down??? Talk her down?? What the fuck are these fuckers on?? She ain't but five feet off the ground!!! So these cops get out there bullhorn and start yelling girl don't do it your young please don't jump??? And she's screaming I will I will !! I'm thinking there all fucking on acid!! A and if things don't get even more fucking weird a news crews shows up films every thing and puts it on the nightly news praising those cops that talked down the poor girl that would have for sure jumped if it wasn't for there training and herorics ??? Now that's fucked up and it really happen!! Georgia is really a fun fucked up place to be!!!

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