Windy Out Today

Windy Out Today
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David G.
36,141 Views 8 years ago Accidents

Looks like its windy out today. Mother nature just doing her thing and tearing down a building.

  •   maddog123 July 2, 2016

    This is why I don't build shit no more!!! Plus I've gotten fucking lazy!! Few years back I attempted to save some money and build a place out back put in a pool table

    Fridge, you get the picture a man cave thingy?? Fuck up number one I was drunk and my crew was drunk!! Second fuck up? I used old lumber.. Anyway the day finally came we finished it that was fuck up number three!! And fuck up number four we built it in five hours???!! And fuck up number five was PUTING in a 3000$ pool table and a very expensive bar!!! Top shelf booze!! That evening things were going fine and it started storming and before I Knew it roofing started leaking pouring and those drunk fuckers playing on my table my drowned table kept fucking playing?? Instead of trying to save the place from sinking! The next day my table was ruined and the bar was water damaged and had to be reworked two grand!! Pool table gone fucking ruined because I forgot I'm not a fucking Jew being cheap is there game it doesn't work for dumbass rednecks like me!!!! So now days when I need something done built I call the man!!!

  •   ouch July 2, 2016

    Nice flaps:)

  •   truckingman July 2, 2016

    Well there goes the Façade of the building, I wonder how many MF" MILLONS OF DOLLARS JUST WENT DOWN THE MF" DRAIN...

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