Crocodile Attack

Crocodile Attack
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David G.
44,105 Views 8 years ago Accidents

Can't be safe at the lake anymore never know when you'll end up losing a leg to a crocodile or alligator

  • ghostfeet June 11, 2018

    Eww there's sand in it

  • crazycanuck November 13, 2016

    damn crocs are mean fuckers guys lucky he didnt get eaten alive! he probably had no chance to avoid it crocs hide under the water and lunge at their prey and then drag them into the water to drown them

  •   maddog123 July 27, 2016

    Few years ago me and few friends visited a dude out on the mountain! And we brought some beers and we were just chiming and dudes dog out back kept barking?damn dude can't you shut that fucker up! And dude says I've been starving him? And when I feed him every four six days I've been PUTING gunpowder in with his food to make him fighting mean!! I need to feed the fucker its been damn seven days damn!! And before dude got up to go feed his dog this fucker billy we called him Jethro because he was another dumbass that smoked to much angel dust and sniffed way to much glue growing up! Says I'll go feed him? So David says feed him I don't give a fuck I'm drunk anyway!! So dumbass left! And David says fuck I should have warned his ass that dogs trained to kill anything that comes near him! I'm the only person that's ever been around him he's never had contact with any other person just me!! Then the room went quiet for a minute?? And we all started fucking laughing our asses off and placing bets if Jethro would survive feeding that wolf? Did I mention it was a wolf? Oh well? Anyway we make our bets and sat back popes another top and waited for the screaming!!then we popes another one then another? No fucking screaming? Not even a howl? Damn dude what's up?

    So we got up went out side and damn the dog its just siding there almost smiling? Waging its tail? And fuck Jethro is nearly half eaten!! Dog must of went straight for his juglier!!! What a sad end! For both Jethro and the wolf the paw paw or cops shot poor wolf! We lost a dumbass friend! Dude lost his prize wolf attack dog! But there was a bit of good news that came out of this terrible tragedy? I one that fucking bet!! Mother fuckers! Fifty dollars!! And as they say? Fifty dollars is fifty dollars!!! Yeah boy!!!

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