Iguanas Take a Ride

Iguanas Take a Ride
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David G.
29,565 Views 8 years ago WTF

Nothing to see here just a lady taking her pet iguana lizards for a ride one hanging out the window another one she's hugging. At least she's not playing pokemon because that would be unsafe

  • sbohica August 24, 2016

    @maddog, to live the life that you share, with all of us in the PG, you must be 116 years old! Rock on brother!!!

  •   maddog123 August 23, 2016

    Back in the day when I was stupid and didn't give a fuck

    I used to drink drive! A lot it was fun! Anyway mom had this stupid fucking dog? Name fluffy? Go figure? And my mother before her sickness would take fucking fluffy riding in the car! Now every time I would visit with mother she would every time LASO me into taking fluffy fucker for a ride around the neighborhood.long story shoer? Fluffy had his fluffy fucking head out the car window and I was drunk and I swirved sort of? And bumped or hit a mail box? It Jared me back a bit and I said damn you all right boy that was close? And looked over at fluffy????? Shit fluffy was no more and no head either!

    Mail box took it off! Any way I got to stay in the will!

    But mom made me go to rehab! And for a while till her death I had to lie to my mother about my drinking! And that I was sorry for fucking fluffy up! I'm sorry about the drink lie thing! But fuck fucking fluffy I hated that car ridding mooching mother fucker!! Hell yeah boy!

  • ugggggggg August 23, 2016

    These iguana's are terrified :(

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