Smoking can kill you just ask Alan who lit up a cigarette in his car and almost earned his 72 virgins
His Airbags were obviously tired of Life..
But ''Bomb No 1 -Return to the bombay" App on this new Apple 7 dont work to good!
Ref > 'Dark Star' > Lets see if eggsover gets the point.
I'm not buying a Ford Transit any time soon.
72 goats Dave ??? that was barely A 3 goat explosion and the fucker still lived lol
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His Airbags were obviously tired of Life..
But ''Bomb No 1 -Return to the bombay" App on this new Apple 7 dont work to good!
Ref > 'Dark Star' > Lets see if eggsover gets the point.
I'm not buying a Ford Transit any time soon.
72 goats Dave ??? that was barely A 3 goat explosion and the fucker still lived lol