3 girls were hit by at least 1 train, 2 died at the scene. Police say it's possible the noise from one train was so loud that the girls didn't realize another one was approaching from behind...3 girls were hit by at least 1 train, 2 died at the scene. Police say it's possible the noise from one train was so loud that the girls didn't realize another one was approaching from behind them. The train's headlights were visible on the top right side of the photo. "They were in their own little world," recalled John Anderson, train conductor inside the eastbound Union Pacific train locomotive. Engineer Michael Anderson, no relation to John, blasted the train horn to get the girls' attention. No response. Not even a flinch. Trains traveling at 55 mph can take more than a mile to come to a complete stop after the emergency brakes are applied. A rush of panic, confusion and fear filled the locomotive as the train raced toward the girls at approximately 39 miles mph.
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They won't have the guts to do that again.
passive eugenics