I actually don’t know why I want your attention, I’m sorry you seem like such a nice dude and I’m just so weird, not to mention I have no chance with you anyways. I’m just dumb and I hope u forgive me lol. Everything is just so messy, and it’s probably the same for you too. I keep getting raped and you have all these problems and I feel to sorry for you and I wanna give you a hug but I can’t and I think that’s a big part of the reason why I’m depressed. Not only you but the fact that I can’t console everyone and be a type of savior. My way of being actually pisses me off something lmao. I’m so “oh look at me I want attention my life sucks” but actually other than the rapings (which I think I deserve) life is pretty good. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything.
I actually don’t know why I want your attention, I’m sorry you seem like such a nice dude and I’m just so weird, not to mention I have no chance with you anyways. I’m just dumb and I hope u forgive me lol. Everything is just so messy, and it’s probably the same for you too. I keep getting raped and you have all these problems and I feel to sorry for you and I wanna give you a hug but I can’t and I think that’s a big part of the reason why I’m depressed. Not only you but the fact that I can’t console everyone and be a type of savior. My way of being actually pisses me off something lmao. I’m so “oh look at me I want attention my life sucks” but actually other than the rapings (which I think I deserve) life is pretty good. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything.
pls notice me