It's The Landing That Hurts

It's The Landing That Hurts
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21,479 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

It must be crazy flip day on or something. Make sure you see the skier doing to flip on an 80-foot ledge. But this dude is going to be sore as hell in the morning. He does have... Show more

  • thesku11s August 21, 2005

    Fucking american cunts, yuppies drive cars not bikes. Go and practice your pop idol routine and pray to your George W Fuckhole that Osama wont finish you off.

  • trojen July 31, 2005

    remember the speedy delivery guy from Mr. Rogers neighborhood? this is what happened when he slowed down!!

  • vanilla_cream July 30, 2005

    Alright Rex damn it. I'm not old, not on meth, and fuck the shoes in the window. LOL, I already told you what happened.

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