Who Wants Some Head?

Who Wants Some Head?
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28,746 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

No, this is not New Orleans. So don’t even go there. New Orleans is much, much worse! Who is the wise guy that put the cigarette in his mouth?

  • okjames September 6, 2010

    is that frebreze?

  • stoppedtostare October 15, 2005

    The world is getting sicker,

    with the passing of each day.

    It seems I can't go no where,

    without hearing about gays!

    HollyWood promotes it,

    and the public takes it in.

    The cards are stacked against us,

    but somehow we got to win.

    So I took my battle to the streets,

    I had to do my part.

    Leading by example is,

    the only way to start!

    Thats the way the ball got rolling,

    thats how it all began.

    I drug a fag for miles,

    behind my pickup while he ran.

    His adrenaline was pumping,

    so he kept up for awhile.

    The price for being a queer is death,

    no judge,no jury, no trial!

    So I pushed down on the pedal,

    and we started going faster.

    It was time for me to make my move,

    it was time to kill the bastard.

    I swerved from right to left,

    to make him loose his footing.

    He slipped and split his fucking wig,

    I knew what I was doing!

    It took a second to stop the truck,

    to see if he was dead.

    And when I found the body,

    it wasn't with his head.

    I cut the rope and drove away,

    without so much as a sound.

    I left the punk there on the road,

    hoping he would be found!

    So now you've heard the story,

    about the murder of a queer.

    You can see that I was justified,

    and that my cause was clear.

  • roareruk September 10, 2005

    i mean look at the guy to the right in the black .. the look on his face is it disgust or ... FUCK ME I HAVE AN ITCHY HEAD !!!!

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