Taking Them Out

Taking Them Out
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27,334 Views 1 decade ago War

Hell ya!!! Nothing but love for our people out on the lines.

  • dariddla January 28, 2007

    ...its the most-hated...cuz above me made a good point...why do you crackers constantly worry about these countries...when you should worry of your own...cause think about it...your red neck president has about 2 yrs left...plenty of time too piss off other countries...so when they all strike...guess what race is the target...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...feels great not being a cracker.............but feels better fucking their bitches... :) ....

  • kkkkilla March 15, 2006

    Anything that ain't white is a nigger. You stupid fuck. Shut yo red-neck ass up. Thats just why the world hates america. Bunch of wanna be bad ass crackers picking on everybody else. 9-11 was just a beginning cause we got a big bulls-eye on our asses because of white folks fuckin with the world. Who appointed us as the world police? 9-11 wasn't shit comparing to what's coming. Wait till WE start getting nuked, it's coming. Then see how much your sisters & brothers, fathers & mothers, sons & daughters LOOK LIKE NIGGERS with their skin burned off. You bleed red like everybody else and we're about to see how not superior we really are.

  • sarcastic69 March 14, 2006

    You ever think about all the towelhead mother fuckers that stand over our american trrops.......i say kill em' all & let allah sort em out...fuckin sand nigger bastards

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