Muslims Never Offend People

Muslims Never Offend People
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11,075 Views 1 decade ago Funny

No they don't. They just kill, Torture, and Terrorize.

  • warhammer88 March 6, 2020

    @Lankdog69.....and ramiabdelal .................Yeah four years later and I can call bullshit on your muzzie loving comment faggot....

    No go zones throughout Europe by goat fucking dirty muzzie child rapists you stuttering prick...It is progressive retarded liberal douche bags like you that empower the dune coons to over take neighborhoods, live off the dole, rape white children and young women..You should be castrated so as not to ever breed........Cock sucker...I am proud I left 47 of your buddies in a dirt bed while deployed in the suck...

  • blut_und_ehre October 4, 2006

    Hey ramiabdelal, I do have more freedom than you. Whether you believe it or not. I pose this quandry to prove my point. How many guns do you own(legally)? Also, if your muslim "friends" ever start to sympathise with the muslim extremists, don't you think the westerners on their soil(that would be you buddy) would be the first to the chopping block? You see the extremists don't really care if you like them or not. a perfect example is that american kid who went over to help the extremist's cause. They said sure you can help. Help by letting us cut your head off on camera. and BTW, the muslims are the ones who claim their Jihad to be a WAR on western civilization. Osama himself said he will not differentiate between US military and civilians. His god told them to kill us all.(CNN interview with BinLaden) At least our leader's god isn't that indescriminate. We are only supposed to kill extremists. I, personally, don't listen to any god, and I think people like you, believing muslim radicals are ok, while christian radicals are a plight on the earth, are just as diluted as those who think all muslims are extremists. You base your facts on suspicion(like 9/11 is bullshit). There are a lot of discrepecies about that day. It may have been people funded by Bush, as you imply. Or they may have been funded by Osama. It doesn't really matter now does it. either way they claimed to be Al Quieda, and comitted an act of war. Osama could have released one of his videos claiming those people were working independently and were not taking orders from him. Did he? No, he claimed responsibility, and declared war on western culture. We took him up on his offer. Why is that so wrong? Because we're more powerful? Well, it's the same thing the Japs did in 1941. Most of the axis powers realized how powerful the US was, and left us well enough alone. Then the Japanese got an agenda of their own and dragged us into it. bad news for Germany and Italy. So how are we to know that the rest of the muslim world wasn't secretly planning to take over the world? Maybe Al Queda is just the middle east's japan. Think about it. maybe you're not exempt from that group of ignorant people. You're just ignorant on the other side of the fence. The world is run by idiots with agendas. Osama, Bush and god saying everyone needs to die. Sorry to tell you but WE WILL LIVE LONGER. BTW muslims are the ones who want genocide. We target militants, they target office workers. We haven't targeted innocents that way since we used the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs to scare russia(now that was a terrible act by the US). Just because we didn't get scared like them, doesn't mean we're evil. It means we Know why the Trade center attack happened. It was a move that shows Al Queda was scared and tried to push us out. But we'll never leave. Not untill your wells run dry. Because you can't fund an army on sand alone. So we know we're safe after we burn all your oil. And if you have a problem with that, too bad. We'll ome after egypt too if we have to. Christ, a bunch of displaced Jews beat you guys in a war. We aren't scared. Just try to rise up against us. Is that informed enough for you, You ignorant British bastard?

  • ramiabdelal March 10, 2006

    That is absolute bullshit. Americans have always been fucking violent, ignorant stupid, scared motherfuckers. Look what they did to the natives in america? Almost killed the whole population! same with black folks and anything else that isnt the same as the majority. You stupid ignorant fat people throw hate to everything and don't know shit.

    How the hell could Bush, a president who threw his middle finger up to millions of people worldwide, most possibly one of the strongest positions in the world, how can he be trusted with nukes? He has NO SOCIAL QUALITIES WHATSOEVER. He can't speak infront of a group of over 5 people. He knows NOTHING. How the hell can he be a president, you Americans run around all kissing your fellow's asses while hating on EVERY OTHER RACE, just fucking stop and ask WHY. Why the hell are you killing so many muslims? You all generalise and don't know shit.

    Anyone that says Kill the muslims, you will hear 'Indians and Arabs are the same thing' come out their mouths a few moments later, why dont you fucking learn and read, not play and watch TV. You're all fucking brainwashed motherfuckers.

    I lived in Egypt (a muslim country). You DO NOT KNOW WHETHER AMERICA HAS MORE FREEDOM THAN MUSLIM COUNTRIES MORE THAN I DO. Or as a matter of fact, as someone else said earlier, if Muslims are not free at all and are envious of it. Freedom of speech? HAHA Yeah right. Ever heard of the christian, caucasian kid who wrote something about wanting Bush to die in his essay and got arrested? Freedom? No. If that happens in Egypt? The same. You're no better. Fuck you all.

    You know how you feel when you scream 'KILL ALL MUSLIMS' ? Thats how the fucked up extremist muslims that make our religion seem bad feel when they want to 'KILL ALL INFIDELS'. Extremists are stupid motherfuckers, I hate them. They're just like americans, they deal with issues with violence and they were spawned by america.

    Do you know who created Extremism in Islam? It's not a hard one. You did. Americans created extremism, terrorism and suicide bombers. You created what is supposedly 'killing your children'. Fuck you.

    I am a responsible adult. I know Islam. I know Christianity. I was born in London, and my mother was INVITED TO COME HERE AND STUDY AT OXFORD. I live in a city where racism is near-zero, and muslim people co-exist with the english. There is almost NO bias in our news. I always watch the muslim/arabic news channels for a different side just incase.

    However suspicious Bin Laden is, 9/11 WAS BULLSHIT. Search it up, millions of people know, even intelligent, caucasian, christian, sometimes anti-muslim scientists have proved that the supposed 'attack in 9/11' was pioneered by America. Why did the towers crumble exactly how a building would is self-destructed? Got any answers? No.

    How about you try and read. Find out the truth before you go and plan genocide. and BTW Jihad DOES NOT MEAN WAR.

    Jihad means to be able to resolve your own doings, to be able to stop yourself from doing something that is wrong, to have the strength to fight what is wrong and what you believe in, and to be able to understand if that is the right choice or not.

    I suggest all the ignorant people in here understand what they are talking about first before you go and embarress themselves.

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