Hard At Work

Hard At Work
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18,548 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

Good job soldier!!! Kill some more!!!

  • olpa1nless April 21, 2006

    One more thing, we had to drag him from the shitter to identify him. That was for Cell_491 who thinks hes a detective or something. This cell was responsible for killing countless civilians, Iraqi police, and Iraqi Army personnel. All of which had more balls than any of the pussies here that do nothing but get on the internet and talk shit. They killed NO US MILITARY PERSONELL!!! But they did try. If you want to see the video I made with more pics from this day, go to my homepage here...myspace/southeaststrangla

  • olpa1nless April 21, 2006

    Hey guys, my name is Matt, and I'm the one in this picture. The piece of shit you see in this pic was the leader of a terror cell in northern Iraq. We killed 8 men after they ambushed us in a neighborhood where they killed an entire family that was unlucky enough to be driving by at the moment the suicide bomber detonated his car-bomb. We chased them into a building where we killed another 6 inside. When we went to the roof, we found Mr. Unlucky, and 3 of his friends hiding in the shitter. Fitting place to cower don't you think. The damage you see here was caused by three M-61 frag grenades going off simultaneously. Not to mention about 100 rounds of 5.56. Now you know why I was smiling. Thanks for all the support guys. For the shitheads who think they know whats going on over there, fuck off. Hooah!

  • jacksonsguilty April 20, 2006

    Deianeira, you have family over there? Some Americans have family in Canada. Back in Vietnam they were called cowards.

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