Hope They Had GIO Insurance

Hope They Had GIO Insurance
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6,155 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

I mean seriously what were the chances?

  • calibaldie April 12, 2006

    Dam ass in car should have car pooled. with some of the people in the bus.

  • youngblood48 April 11, 2006

    me, im a drunken indian, that drives a yugo, plus im blind in both ears now what the fuck did i just say, oh yes im a white man that just left a bar on the southside of Chicago, my ganstas cant read and i need some money! i gotta quit drinking! oh shit ! hi ociffer!

  • tree88 April 11, 2006

    Think about it. An ATM has letters, numbers for you to punch and also some have yes or no answers. Now explain how come there is also braille writing for each instruction. It's a drive through. ATM is on driver's side. Now who needs braille?

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