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8,188 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Do it for your country.

  • gdlj81 March 12, 2008

    I love this lady! LMAO. Once again, you brain dead fucking stupid Republican pieces of shit, BUSH SUCKS, and if you voted for him, you're as much a moron as that pussy-ass murderer.

  • drksdyomama May 17, 2006

    Bush fucked up when he broght god into his insane machinations. I sleep well at night knowing he'll burn in hell, right next to osama and his 72 dead virgins. imagine the smell after an eternity. lol.

  • thundermug May 8, 2006

    The problem isn't that I think I own the road, the problem is that other people don't realize that I actually do own it.

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