January 5, 2023


  •   gallo January 5, 2023

    Trump's conspiracy theories will now be referred to as spoiler alerts since they are all true and he deserves an apology from all you democratic cunts who believe everything you're told

  •   cokeycane January 5, 2023

    In Houston, we just like to let our felons out on multiple bonds. We just found one that has 31 felony bonds that exceeds $1 million. Bond gets revoked, they just keep reinstating.


  •   GrimmWilder January 5, 2023

    There was a young man named John Liggit Hunter who was in the

    filling station business.... a good filling station business.... He was one of those young men that we run across so often in life..... I'm sure you've run across them, that didn't deserve the things he had...

    And one of those things he had that he didn't deserve was his beautiful bride, Sarah. She was a Georgia Peach.... As a matter of fact she looked more like the picture I've had in my head than any woman I've ever seen. I took it upon myself to take her away from John Liggit Hunter, who didn't deserve her. I'm not sure if I mentioned that he was a Frenchman who claimed to be an Englishman. It took a blackjack... duct tape and some very strong nylon cord to take her away from him....

    She was a fighter as well as a Georgia Peach.

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