February 13, 2023


  •   gallo February 13, 2023

    Fuck this, fuck everything


    I'm sick to my stomach

  •   sparkplugz February 13, 2023

    Beat me to it ^^^

  • covidxtra2 February 13, 2023

    Due to the over reaction of CJB he now orders the military to shoot down almost anything that has a small radar signature. Nothing is safe in the air right now . Especially weather balloons and or scientific instrumentation sent up by scientists and or other friendlies . This is all done so that CJB can save face and hopefully the public won't notice when it's time to run again for president .He thinks the public has a short memory ( just like him) and won't remember this incident along with the high inflation rate,the proxy war with Russia ,the high prices of food and services and gas etc,etc,etc! Not to mention the looming fact that we are about to have a World War !All thanks to CJB! Given these facts is there any doubt that CJB won't press the button? After all we all know that he has rage fits every now and then . We are all doomed!

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