July 14, 2023


  •   calethehuman July 14, 2023

    And another one.

  •   logansrun July 14, 2023

    I'm back, kinda....

  • covidxtra2 July 14, 2023

    I could rant all day long but my girl friend doesn't know I like porn yet and have a limited time to post shit.Speaking of shit CJB and Hunter (see ↖↢↜ avatar) probably Hunter but maybe CJB is one of the ones that left that coke in the White House and the Secret Service and probably the DOJ and the media are protecting them AGAIN! As usual! Fuck CJB and the Biden Crime Family!

    Meanwhile at Skinwalker ranch the experiments are getting more interesting : They have almost surely identified the anomaly 31 ft . above the triangle as a possible transversable worm hole (that's what Travis says and he should know)-His history-

    Dr. Travis Taylor is an engineer and best-selling author who holds PhDs in Optical Science and Engineering, Aerospace Systems Engineering, and master’s degrees in Physics and Astronomy. For the past twenty-five years, Taylor has worked on various hi-tech programs for the Department of Defense and NASA. He is the newest member of this diverse and highly skilled team and brings a vast wealth of knowledge that will help them apply hard science in an effort to solve this incredible mystery.

    They shot a portable Tesla coil gun (yeah that's right a portable Tesla coil gun!) Sounds like something out of an old science fiction movie. to see what reaction the anomaly would have and also used a flame thrower at it and the flames went semi around the anomaly .Travis said it's like the oxygen in the flame was sucked right out of it! .Shot a rocket into it too and the rocket veered off course away from the anomaly. Kind of like in the shape of a small r ,it went straight up and veered away. Weird shit happening there. All of this caught on high speed camera footage. By reviewing the high speed footage they determined that it looks like a worm hole.

    Also Beyond Skinwalker Ranch is just as interesting and similar things are being found around the country and the world .As they are thinking of documenting stuff like this around the globe. Man this is the Discovery Channels highest rated show and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch is #2!

    You can get a free trial and explore the site and don't forget to watch it next Tuesday on the Discovery Channel. It's suppose to be very cool!

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