August 31, 2023


  • covidxtra2 August 31, 2023


    Who does this remind you of ? No, not CJB.Guess again.

    It's nar·cis·sis·tic Burf!

  •   sternhagelvoll August 31, 2023

    I just killed a rat.

    That fucker ran through the garden, eating bird seeds and scaring my feathered friends.

    It was propably lured in by idiots in the neighbourhood who barbecue all the time and toss leftovers on the ground.

    I put up a rat trap. Not long after, I heard the noise, went out and the rat obviously got hurt, but wasn't caught in it. I grabbed a spade and rammed in down on the rat, decapitating it. Lucky hit, I only aimed for the dirty furball.

    It was still twitching and kicking, as if the headless body tried to run away. The impact had caused its toungue to swell up and hang out to the side. I rolled it up in some paper and a plastic bag and put it in the bin.

    I tend to like little animals, but with the rat, I only wanted it dead. If only all problems were to be solved that easily.

  •   gallo August 31, 2023

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