May 24, 2024


  • japseye May 24, 2024

    Let's get NADED........

  • covidxtra2 May 24, 2024

    TRUMP takes the South Bronx by storm infuriating the left. Gives a great speech there!


    Biden has to clean out his pants again. LOL

  • japseye May 24, 2024

    Why Why Why, would the UK government call for an election on 4th of July... American independence day? (Tin foil hat to one side.). How can you possibly not believe that everything the elites do isn't routed in symbolism?

    It's like they can't help but drop the hints that ultimately, they're in fucking charge of you. But why the 4th? Why not the 1st or 10th or even in August? I'm pretty far from being a Q lunatic who sees numbers in everything but let's be honest, why group a British election on the very same date that America decided to quit British rule? No fucking way this is a coincidence.

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