Hollywood Chick Street Fight

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
27,975 Views 1 decade ago Fights

There's always some shit going down in the streets of Hollywood. Tonight it's 2 fat white chicks fighting 3 black chicks with weaves. Big Bertha is throwing some decent blows. And I see some... Show more

  • slippy March 2, 2011

    word on the street is, you lost your front teefas..

  • wisconsinjed February 28, 2011

    Hey gr8ta1! You shouldn't be running them down like that! Beluga whales have feelings to!

    All kidding aside, they are some beautiful creatures unless they come up for air and a polar bear is waiting for them.

  • hgravity February 28, 2011

    I have to admit that since the internet fight video was conceived, I thought of the camera man as a self serving, muckraking prick. It seems, though, that they have hearts of gold and are concerned about the long term welfare of the combatants. Well played sir, and maybe one of those things will blow you.

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