Heavy hand Henry...Nigga!

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Big Jeff
42,420 Views 9 years ago Fights

Looks like the dude here screaming nigga is not one to fuck with. That or these punk have the weakest jaws. He put that one dude down 3 times before he could even blink.

  •   dozer67 August 2, 2015

    @crackerkiller yes you have your own business a PHD an MD your own record label ,you only date Super models own a Maybach, but for some reason it's to much to reach in your True Religion jeans and take out your Black AMEX card pay 10$ for a VIP... wow i wanna be like you one day.

  • fatlarry July 29, 2015

    Still trying to figure out this whole bigger nigga think is it ok for two white guys call each other Niger or nigga is it not ok still if it is in the presents of a black person I mean what is the adequate proto call

  • realtalks July 29, 2015

    I'm confused, I kept hearing nigger but did not see one black person in the video

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