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crazyshit User Avatar
56,401 Views 2 days ago Fights / NO CHANCE
  • john2526 6 hours ago

    "... look like real punks for one dude."

    This wasn't a duel between two gentlemen.

    This was security dealing with an asshole (I assume).

    Only naive morons and posers fight fair. Fight to win.

    Chivalry is dead. There's no princess to hand you her handkerchief if you fight by "the rules."

    That being said, kicking him when he was down and out did seem gratuitous.

  • john2526 6 hours ago

    I just knew they guy in the fuchsia velour workout suit was going down hard.

  • bertha1158 7 hours ago

    Blacks don’t need much of a reason to start fighting!

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