Bob's MILF Wife Has Nice Boobs

Bob's MILF Wife Has Nice Boobs
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David G.
40,255 Views 8 years ago Fan Tits

Bob is a fan of and has been married for 30 years. She's 51 but she has a nicer body than some 24 year olds I've been with. I'm sure she's very hygenic too since she wrote CS o... Show more

  • cellule March 4, 2016

    @happyjack: "All this drama simply because I said that this person may be a tranny" ANd look a t you going all crazy when someone says "This person is a nigger"..

    If you were a dog, you'd be chasing your own tail & blaming the whole world for not catching it..

  •   ouch March 4, 2016

    @happyjack your a fucking twat! you insult a woman and then have rules to you being insulted back, BLACK FUCKS riot loot kill rape and march down the streets for getting shot for breaking the rules or committing crimes and you say whites lose their shit when cracker is said??? Get off the drugs you fool

  •   maddog123 March 3, 2016

    @breakfastblunt what are you but a suck up piece of shit that should keep his thoughts to his self you got your on problems by what I here you having sex change problems oh did I let that slip out eh that's OK nobody will no since my sentences don't jive right breakfast fag.

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