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216,301 Views 3 years ago Extreme Content / DEAD INSIDE
  • thunder1961 May 31, 2023

    What do you see here in this video about how easily men and women can murder one another that's going to happen all over the world. Not too far in the future, the Holy Spirit will be removed from the face of the earth it only be in the children of God they will be sealed but the rest of the world is going to go totally crazy and will kill one another. Death will be all around us the only hope we have is trust in the Lord Jesus Christ I am I'm not speaking about easy religion that's offered by men and women in church buildings. Jesus didn't command us to go to a man-made church! He commanded us to follow him within our hearts as disciples of Jesus Christ. We must do what his disciples did they followed him faithfully because they knew and loved him personally. It must be the same for us if we really want to get to heaven.. I'm speaking about becoming born again truly living in having or being in Christ I only hope I only refuge our only salvation is in Jesus Christ himself he's the only one that overcame this world in him we can do it too. He's coming back soon to judge this wicked vile world please consider giving your heart to Jesus Christ. I love you all and God bless you. Thunder. I have a tictok yeshuajesusministries I share words of truth i don't preach religion. I share in love from my heart. God is love....Thunder

  • althearyan March 6, 2022

    The morgue bodies are puzzling. Some looked emancipated , others not. Trauma to most . Ruled out aviation.

    I recall a nurse talking about the ER just after the Las Vegas shooting . That was my first thought . She said it was " impossible" to move quickly as you slipped & hit the floor. Or pulled a corpse -patient, off a gurney to break your fall.

    I am puzzled .

  • capone89 February 21, 2022

    Makes me so sad 4 those who end up as dead bodies on the floor, I mean they had real lives n beloved ones

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