Police Brutality

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14,651 Views 1 decade ago Police

Are they allowed to just punch fuckers in the jaw like that? My god that's just brutal.

  • twistofcain December 28, 2008


  • tomjerry October 15, 2008

    motherfucker cops crappd assholes far to the HELL MOTERHFUCKING COPS

  • lordgenocyde May 30, 2008

    From what I saw, I have one question. Why wasn't the guy put onto the ground face down? That's proper procedure! That little bit of footage makes the cops look bad for one reason...they simply didn't follow procedure as they should have. Not good for the Department there. Proper thing to do was roll the guy over, cuff him, double lock the things, search him there, roll him back over, bring him to his feet, put him in the car and cart him off. This would have prevented the man from grabbing the cop and the cop from punching the shit out of him like it was a damn cagefight.

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