Those shit colored female apes are the worst smelling/behaving things on the planet that don't deserve life. They starve their kids for their own pleasures, beat their kids for just having a bad day, think they're oppressed even though they oppressed themselves, think they deserve everything when infact they deserve nothing, they think rules don't apply to them because they're "black and beautiful" more like shit colored hippo looking crack addicted bitches
LMFAO gamestop guy was savage answering the phone all calmly after that guy had a total meltdown. ‘thanks for calling gamestop this is brian’ LMFAO hes my hero!
Those shit colored female apes are the worst smelling/behaving things on the planet that don't deserve life. They starve their kids for their own pleasures, beat their kids for just having a bad day, think they're oppressed even though they oppressed themselves, think they deserve everything when infact they deserve nothing, they think rules don't apply to them because they're "black and beautiful" more like shit colored hippo looking crack addicted bitches
LMFAO gamestop guy was savage answering the phone all calmly after that guy had a total meltdown. ‘thanks for calling gamestop this is brian’ LMFAO hes my hero!
A can of wasp spray works nicely. They can shoot more than 10 feet and it's guaranteed a trip to the hospital.